Repotting Your Orchid: A Step by Step Guide


One of the questions we get most often is whether to repot your orchid and how.

The first thing to understand is that orchid roots are naturally going to peek out of the decorative pot. They are seeking oxygen and are perfectly healthy when they’re not contained within the pot.

However, when you start to see more roots than medium (i.e., moss or bark), then it’s time to repot your orchid.

Your orchid is placed in a plastic grow pot within a decorative container. You’ll need another plastic grow pot to replace for your orchid. We recommend that you find one with the next size up.


Don’t shake off your orchid when you move it out of the original grow pot.


Place it in the new grow pot and add the medium. You can purchase orchid medium, bark, or bark-based medium for your orchid.


When you add the medium, take care to not push it in.

Continue your watering schedule from now on and you’re all set!

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