Espresso Care

Espresso Orchids are pocket-sized phalaenopsis orchids providing a lovely and quaint variety for smaller spaces.
Because they are phalaenopsis orchids, orchid care will be similar to 5" phalaenopsis care instructions. 


step 1

Your Espresso orchid is placed in a decorative pot, and inside they are grown in clear plastic containers with drainage. Check your orchid for dryness. 

Once the roots become greyish and the growing medium is dry it is ready for watering.


step 2

Two times a week, slide the plant with the grow pot from the decorative container and inspect the orchid’s roots. Healthy roots will be green and grey.


step 3

Because Espresso orchids can dry out more frequently than phalaenopsis orchids, we recommend the same care instructions twice a week.



Drench the roots at the base of the plant until all the roots are covered in water. Leave the plant dunked in water for one minute. Then fully drain the plant for another two minutes. Water should not be dripping from the bottom, nor should it be sitting in an enclosed container holding water. Be sure to discard any residual water before returning the plant to the decorative container.



Feed with a water-soluble fertilizer. Follow the instructions in the fertilizer package.


For more information on the ideal environment for your orchid, learn more on General Orchid Care