How to Care For Your Orchid While You’re Away

Taking a Week-Long Vacation?

Here’s How to Care For Your Orchid While You’re Away

You can enjoy your valuable vacation time with peace of mind knowing that your orchids will be nice and healthy when you return. With a few things in place, your precious flowers will have everything they need to continue thriving while no one’s home.

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A great way to keep your orchid protected is to use a sheer curtain. The fabric will ensure that your flower is getting the right kind of indirect sunlight so that it doesn’t burn or dehydrate. 

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Watering your plants once just before you go is enough to quench their thirst for the week. In the event your trip is prolonged, ask a neighbor or a friend to drop by. We recommend watering early in the day to ensure that the plant and its flowers will be dry by nightfall.



The ideal humidity level for orchids is between 70 and 80%. Use a hygrometer to measure moisture levels. Set a timer on a humidifier during daylight hours and have it turn off in the evening. Consider testing the levels before you go.

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Your orchids enjoy the same temperatures many of us do. 65 degrees is ideal, and be sure to keep your home from reaching above 75 degrees in the day. In the evening, the temperature shouldn’t drop below 55, so even while your away, keep your AC at a cool temperature. 

For extra precaution, repot your orchid so that in the event you’re away longer than expected, your orchid-sitter won’t have any trouble while checking in on your treasured blooms. 

Giselle Navarro