Orchid Care for Colder Temperatures

The temperatures are dropping around the country. After a very hot summer, for many of us, Fall has definitely arrived!

As we enjoy a fresh, cool breeze and beautiful Fall foliage - our orchids are feeling these changes too!

Below are some key things to keep in mind when caring for your orchids during the cooler months of the year:


Bring Your Orchids Indoors

If you were keeping your orchids outside during the Summer months, it may be time to bring them back inside. The moment the temperature hits below 60F, it is too cold for your orchid - so be sure to bring it to a warmer temperature indoors.


Avoid Drafts

Once you bring your orchid indoors, be careful where you place it. Placing your orchid next to an open window can expose it to a strong draft that could cause the flower to dry out faster, and accelerate the flower wilting. The same would be true for air conditioner drafts.


Watch Out for Dryness

Orchids need a certain amount of humidity to be happy (70% - 80% to be precise!) In the dryer, cooler months - you’ll want to keep a closer eye on your orchid for dryness. Touch at the base of the plant and the roots and feel for dryness. You may find that you need to water your orchid twice a week instead of once a week. You can simply repeat the same orchid care routine that you already do.


Enjoy those orchid beauties this Fall, and don’t forget to tag us @silvervaseorchids on Instagram!

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