The Best Orchids for Your Office


Offices can be drab and uninspired. Endless cubicles and fluorescent lighting don’t exactly make for the most exciting spaces. Nevertheless, so many of us spend most of our lives sitting there everyday.

How can we make those spaces more inviting? How can we design a sanctuary for ourselves to be our most productive and creative?

Experts say the first step is to declutter. Once you remove anything you don’t need or love from your desk and office space- it’s time to get inspired!

Orchids are a breath of fresh air and add endless beauty to a space that’s often forgotten in our décor plans.

Whether you’ve got a home office or go to an office everyday, we’ve gathered some of our favorite office orchid inspiration for you to enjoy!

1. Your espresso and our Espressos = <3

Grab your morning coffee and get to it with a few Espresso orchids by your side. Choose different colors or different shades of pink, according to your taste and décor style!


2. Teamwork makes the (garden) dream work

For work spaces that thrive on collaboration and ideas, an Espresso garden can be a focal and inspiring point in those active worktables where big plans take shape!

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3. The ultimate nook

From consultants to mommy bloggers - a home office is often the space to create, strategize, and deliver. An eye-catching, inspiring orchid garden arrangement in your favorite tone can be just what you need to help you focus in your special nook. Hint: Purple is also the color of royalty, prosperity and abundance!


4. When you can’t choose, take them all!  

And then there are those creatives who only thrive when completely surrounded by beauty. We get it, and yes - you can turn your desk into a garden! (Why not?!) Bring Espressos and phalaenopsis orchids to your desk if you like for the ultimate “bring the outside in” feel.


We can’t wait to see what you create in your new, inspired office spaces.

What’s your favorite orchid for your desk? Share with us on Instagram and Facebook!

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