Three Tips for Healthy Orchid Roots


Orchid health begins at the roots. 

If you're having trouble with your orchid, checking out the roots should be the first step in understanding what might be going wrong. 

Tip 1: They Want to Be Free!

It's important to understand that orchid roots are designed to absorb and feed, and their nutrients come from both air and water. It's perfectly normal for your orchid roots to peek out of the pot seeking air. It's a sign of healthy roots!


Tip 2: Color, Color, Color

When the orchid roots are green, they are healthy and happy. When you start to notice them become grey - it's time to water. If you're watering with the right amount this will usually happen about once a week. If you notice that your orchid's roots are turning yellow or brown, you may have adjust to watering or the ideal orchid environment for your orchid. 

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Tip 3: Always Dry Out After Watering

A common mistake when watering orchids is that the orchid has not fully drained all the water and is returned to the decorative pot. The roots will often rot and hurt the plant in these cases. Whenever you are watering your orchid, make sure that all the water is completely drained before placing it back in the decorative pot. 


A happy plus to happy roots? Good root health will lead to more spikes and flower buds in your orchid! Enjoy happy, healthy roots and orchids! 

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