Where to Place Your Orchid in Your Home


Choosing the right environment to place your orchid is a big factor in whether it remains healthy and blooming. The biggest factor to consider when choosing where to place your beautiful, new orchid is light.


You’ll want to find a spot in your home where your orchid receives indirect light. That means no harsh direct sunlight, but some natural light throughout the day.

A good tip is to place your hand underneath the plant leaves or flowers. If there is a fuzzy shadow, then the light is indirect. If the shadow is strong and clear, then the light is too strong.

You’ll know the light is too harsh and strong because the plant cells will collapse and it can dehydrate or burn the plant. Harsh light over a long period of time can lead to dimpling and scarring in the leaves. Black, white and brown spots may also appear in the leaves.


Too much light over a long period of time can lead to a red tint on the leaves.

Finally, you’ll want to also make sure that there are no strong drafts, like those of an air conditioner, where you decide to place your orchid. Strong drafts can also lead to dehydration.


Let us know how these tips work for you and share with us! Where do you place your orchid in your home? Tag us with #silvervaseorchids.


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